Jim Huether

Jim Huether

2 Interviews

Jim Huether's Interviews

You’ve likely seen pro athletes ranging from Naomi Osaka to Ja Morant warming up or recovering with products made by Hyperice and Normatec; not only the first, but the gold-standard in dynamic air compression technology. Normatec was acquired by Hyperice in 2020 and has even snuck its way into pop culture as Lady Gaga,

46 min
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Jeffrey Hayzlett & Jim Huether 15 Mar 2022 • EN

Move Better, Live Better with Jim Huether CEO of Hyperice

People have searched for the fountain of youth since the dawn of time, and while we may not have found it, today's guest is on a mission to make you feel better. Jim Huether is the CEO of Hyperice, a company that makes a wide range of personal wellness products for the mind and body. You may have seen Hyperice on the s

27 min
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Podcasts with Jim Huether


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