Jeff Goins

Jeff Goins
48 Interviews

Jeff Goins's Interviews

The process to self-publish a book has gotten so easy with technology and you can be a successful writer if you know how to do it. Best selling author Jeff Goins shows us how to become a successful author just like he has become. Get my free real estate investing course: Lea

61 min
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I’m thrilled to have Jeff Goins back on the show. Jeff is an accomplished author and the founder of Fresh Complaint, a company that helps authors turn their books into bestsellers. Jeff was a key player in shaping my book, ‘The Family First Entrepreneur’. In this episode, we’ll cover the nuts and bolts of writing a tra

50 min
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Jared Simmons & Jeff Goins 09 Feb 2023 • EN

Innovation is the act of making things new :: Jeff Goins

Jeff Goins is a writer, keynote speaker, and entrepreneur with a reputation for challenging the status quo. He is the best-selling author of five books including The Art of Work  and Real Artists Don’t Starve. In this episode, Jared and Jeff Goins shares on how places and locations bring out innovation. They also dive

38 min
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Decisions. We make thousands of them every single day. How do we know which one to make? How do we know where each decision might lead? Is it a shot in the dark? Or is there a process/methodology behind it? Tune in, as Oleg and Jeff, dive deep into the psychology of decision-making, “right” vs “wrong”, how decisions im

68 min
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Jeff Goines is a multiple-time best-selling author but more importantly, he's a good friend of mine. In this episode, Jeff presents how to de-brand yourself and create a new life. One of the things I love about Jeff is that he’s afraid but does it anyway. He’s honest, relatable, and insightful. Listen in for a presenta

47 min
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Ray Edwards & Jeff Goins 16 May 2022 • EN

From Big Idea to Bestseller

Last week I shared the story of how I recently received a $150,000 advance from a publisher for an upcoming book. Furthermore, I suggested that you can do the same...If you have the right idea and follow the right process. That episode raised a lot of interest (and a bit of skepticism). How can this be possible? There'

28 min
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Podcasts with Jeff Goins


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