Mere Christians
How does the gospel influence the work of Mere Christians—those of us who aren’t pastors or religious professionals, but who work as entrepreneurs, baristas, and accountants? That’s the question this podcast explores every week as Jordan Raynor interviews guests across the widest variety of vocations.
Show episodes
Why following Jesus is not just about avoiding sin but doing righteousness in your work, how to wrestle with the cosmic significance AND insignificance of your work, and how to make disciples of all nations in the job you have today. Links Mentioned:NC Education CorpsHabakkuk 1:11 Working in the Presence of GodTales Th
How to baptize your imagination regarding what God can do through your work, how Kurt’s enormous view of God has led him to give 25 million people clean water every year, and how to ensure you’re a marketer rather than a manipulator. Links Mentioned:Sawyer ThinkSawyer ProductsSawyer Products on LinkedInSawyer Products
How your phone blocks you from “wanting what you want,” how Hannah spent 1,000 hours away from her phone in 1 year, and how to exchange “why me?” with “who for? when experiencing trials. Links Mentioned:Hannah BrencherHannah Brencher on InstagramHannah Brencher on XThe World Needs More Love LettersThe Unplugged Hours:
What Jesus might say to the conventional wisdom that "you’re the average of the five people you spend the most time with," the value of interfaith employee resource groups, and how Chris stopped chasing promotions and started chasing a quieter life. Links Mentioned:Chris Hunt on LinkedInCloroxClorox ERGsTim KellerWill:
How being faithful to God cost Holly in her career (and why that’s a good thing), how to isolate and attack the lies in your head, and how our peace at work can make space to bear others’ burdens at work. Links Mentioned:Holly Kim on LinkedInCrediblyRedeeming Your TimeCalled to CreateThe Cost of DiscipleshipExperiencin
Mark Batterson (Author of A Million Little Miracles)
How our work can teach us more about God, why you should consider installing a “personal Mount Rushmore” behind your desk, and how to make work more playful and fun for your team. Links Mentioned:Mark BattersonMark Batterson BooksMark Batterson on XMark Batterson on InstagramMark Batterson on FacebookNational Community