Hack your age, and where can I go for a Vampire Facial? Platelet Rich Plasma n’ more (feat. Zora Benhamou) #408
Another quality anti-aging podcast (even though I say it myself) as Zora Benhamou and I meet in London. She is the founder of the website HackMyAge.com, the Hack My Age podcast, and author of the Longevity Master Plan and cookbook Eating For Longevity. She is also a member of the Gerontological Society of America. We talk: Peptides Platelet Rich Plasma Anti-Ageing Circadian Rhythm Gerontology Digital Nomadism Doing good in the world THIS SHOW IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY: spermidineLIFE® — A scientific breakthrough in anti-ageing and longevity. Age beautifully and feel young with healthy hair, skin and nail growth by taking spermidineLIFE® Studies have shown spermidine may transform your cellular health, cardiovascular function, and improve memory, immune function and sleep by enhancing autophagy. spermidineLIFE® is the only clinically tested spermidine supplement worldwide that promotes cellular health and longevity, allowing you to live young for as long as possible. As the highest concentration of naturally extracted spermidine on the planet, spermidineLIFE® is the world’s best solution for maximizing the positive impacts of spermidine. Simply take the recommended daily dose to maintain optimum cellular performance and longevity. Visit here and use code TONY20 at checkout to get 20% off all spermidineLIFE and Essentials products.
From "Biohacking News by Zestology"
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