Jessie Shternshus + Alison Wade & Davar Ardalan , Women Who Change Tech

Episode 17: Davar Ardalan - A Woman Who Vows to Improve Cultural Intelligence

10 Mar 2020 • 39 min • EN
39 min
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In this episode, Alison Wade and Jessie Shternshus chat with Davar Ardalan, a Woman Who Vows to Improve Cultural Intelligence. Davar is the Founder and Storyteller in Chief of IVOW, an early-stage startup specializing in AI-driven cultural content, aiming to make navigating the global marketplace easier via cultural analysis. She is also the former Deputy Director of the White House Presidential Innovation Fellowship Program in Washington D.C. Before this, she was a public broadcasting journalist for two decades at NPR News, where she designed stories anchored in multiculturalism and steeped in historical context.

From "Women Who Change Tech"

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