Jessie Shternshus

Jessie Shternshus

2 Interviews

Jessie Shternshus's Interviews

Jessie Shternshus + Alison Wade & Davar Ardalan 10 Mar 2020 • EN

Episode 17: Davar Ardalan - A Woman Who Vows to Improve Cultural Intelligence

In this episode, Alison Wade and Jessie Shternshus chat with Davar Ardalan, a Woman Who Vows to Improve Cultural Intelligence. Davar is the Founder and Storyteller in Chief of IVOW, an early-stage startup specializing in AI-driven cultural content, aiming to make navigating the global marketplace easier via cultural an

39 min
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Scott Hanselman & Jessie Shternshus 01 Aug 2014 • EN

Applying Improv to Agile and Lean Startup models with Jessie Shternshus

Jessie Shternshus takes comedy and improve to the next level and applies it to Lean Startup and Agile Software methodologies. Can't believe it? Jessie sits down with Scott and they chat about how thinking quickly on your feet is a muscle and a skill that must be exercised.

33 min
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Podcasts with Jessie Shternshus


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