Doug Casey: It's Dangerous to be Politically Incorrect Anymore!
Jason Burack of Wall St for Main St interviewed returning guest, best selling author, world traveler, international man, speculator & founder of Casey Research, https://www.caseyresearch.com/, Doug Casey. Doug's newest book, and his first fiction book of a 7 part fiction book series, Speculator: High Ground, Book 1 is now available on audio book on Audible: http://www.audible.com/pd/Mysteries-T... Doug Casey on the Politically Correct Movement: https://www.caseyresearch.com/article... Find all of Doug Casey's investing books on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Doug-Casey/e/B... During this 30+ minute interview, Jason starts off by asking Doug about President Trump and if Trump has done anything Doug has liked so far? Doug talks about how and why so many people hate Trump leading to a long discussion about cultural Marxism and the politically correct movement in the US. Jason also asks Doug about a global US Dollar shortage, stagflation coming and how to speculate on gold stocks.
From "Wall St For Main St"
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