Wall St For Main St
Wall St for Main St provides alternative financial information, research, education and consulting to Main Street investors using uncommon wisdom. Our goal is teaching people how to fish for themselves instead of trusting their financial adviser. We interview top investors, traders, money managers, financial commentators, economic experts, authors, CEOs and newsletter writers from around the world to discuss the latest events in the global economy and financial markets.
Show episodes
Jason Burack of Wall St for Main St interviewed returning guest, hedge fund manager Kevin Duffy of Bearing Asset Management http://www.bearingasset.com/. Kevin has over 30 years of experience working in the financial industry and over 20 years of experience successfully shorting stocks. Kevin runs his hedge fund with p
Jim Rickards: China Very Worried About President Trump & Potential Trade War
Jason Burack of Wall St for Main St interviewed returning guest, best selling author, Jim Rickards http://www.jamesrickardsproject.com/. Jim's best selling books include: 1) Currency Wars 2) The Death of Money 3) The New Case for Gold 4) The Road to Ruin Jim's book are available here: https://www.amazon.com/James-Ricka
Jason Burack of Wall St for Main St interviewed returning guest, Journalist and YouTuber David Seaman https://www.fulcrumnews.com/. David's popular YouTube channel has over 150k subscribers and over 15 million views: https://www.youtube.com/user/davidsea... David Seaman was fired from the Huffington Post for writing an

Jeff Clark: China/India Gold Demand Still Very Strong, Precious Metal Miners Struggling
Jason Burack of Wall St for Main St interviewed first time guest, Senior Precious Metals Analyst at GoldSilver.com, Jeff Clark. Jeff was a former mining analyst and newsletter writer at Casey Research where he wrote the Big Gold investment newsletter. Jeff writes a gold market newsletter for GoldSilver.com and his also
Doug Casey: It's Dangerous to be Politically Incorrect Anymore!
Jason Burack of Wall St for Main St interviewed returning guest, best selling author, world traveler, international man, speculator & founder of Casey Research, https://www.caseyresearch.com/, Doug Casey. Doug's newest book, and his first fiction book of a 7 part fiction book series, Speculator: High Ground, Book 1 is
Wall St for Main St welcomed back Jerry Robinson, who is an economist, investor, trend trader and Editor of Follow The Money. If you interested in subscribing to Jerry's newsletter and trading system, go to http://ftmdaily.com/ What did we discussed? 1. Thoughts on the Federal Reserve rate hike and what it means for th