Frank Curzio: No Technology Bubble...Yet
Jason Burack had on first time guest, newsletter writer and investment analyst Frank Curzio http://www.frankcurzio.com/. Frank has one of the top investing podcasts on iTunes. Frank's father was a famed newsletter writer and value investor before the internet and Frank worked on Wall St. Frank has also worked for TheStreet.com with Jim Cramer and also with Porter Stansberry. During this 40+ minute discussion, Jason and Frank start off by discussing the natural resources industry specifically gold, silver and oil. Jason asks Frank if he thinks there's more pain and bankruptcies ahead for the gold and silver miners after Allied Nevada declared bankruptcy this week. Jason and Frank discuss investing in oil stocks, how to do proper risk control and how difficult it is to be a value investor in resource stocks. Next, Jason asks Frank about the technology sector and if he thinks it's in a bubble like in 1999 like Mark Cuban has recently claimed. To wrap up the interview, Jason asks Frank about the valuations on large cap dividend stocks. Frank thinks most large cap dividend stocks are overvalued but that they will become even more overvalued going forward.
From "Wall St For Main St"
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