Troy Casey, leading authority on longevity and Certified Health Nut, excels in restoring physical, mental, and emotional balance with a nature-based, holistic approach. Formerly a Versace model in Milan, Troy explored nutrition and internal purification to maintain his health. His global journey includes working with Amazonian tribes, studying Vipassana Meditation and Ashtanga Yoga, and collaborating with Paul Chek at the CHEK Institute. His book, #RippedAt50: A Journey To Self Love, has transformed lives worldwide. With over 1 million subscribers across all social channels, Troy has been featured on Discovery Network, MTV, Fox News, and Netflix’s Chad and JT Go Deep. Today, with the launch of Knowledge of Self University and Fit and Free: The Legacy Method, Troy’s mission has evolved. While he remains committed to individual biohacking, his broader vision aims for a world thriving on clean air, water, soil, and equitable systems. He believes achieving this requires a systemic overhaul that prioritizes creativity over competition and a collective rise in consciousness.
From "Danica Patrick Pretty Intense Podcast"
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