#437: Nic Carter on Measuring Bitcoin’s Growth
Nic Carter is a Partner at Castle Island Ventures and a Co-Founder of CoinMetrics. In this conversation, we discuss Bitcoin’s market cap all-time high, GBTC’s premium, DeFi, Satoshi’s coins, Ray Dalio, and what metrics Nic checks every morning when he wakes up. ======================= Want to sell your wonderful internet business? Tiny partners with founders to give them quick, straightforward exits that protect their team and culture. We’ll make an offer within a week, close the deal within a month, and keep your business operating for the long term. Get in touch at tinycapital.com, and we’ll let you know within a couple of days. ======================= Harvested Financial makes options incredibly simple. They’re the first options robo advisor, where you can build and customize a personalized trading plan that gets automatically executed. Options help you speculate in capital efficient ways, diversify your holdings with market neutral strategies, and generate passive income by selling premium. https://www.harvestedfinancial.com/pomp ======================= Pomp writes a daily letter to over 90,000 investors about business, technology, and finance. He breaks down complex topics into easy to understand language, while sharing opinions on various aspects of each industry. You can subscribe at https://www.pompletter.com
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