Rory Vaden & Vanessa Lau , The Influential Personal Brand Podcast

3 Steps to Making Money From Social Media with Vanessa Lau

15 Mar 2022 • 44 min • EN

The best time to start building an online presence will always be in the past, and therefore, out of reach. The next best time, however, is now! Our guest today, Vanessa Lau, is an amazing example of how you can rapidly grow your business, and your brand, through social media, even if you’re late to the game. After reaching an unbearable point of exhaustion and dissatisfaction in her corporate career, Vanessa finally took the plunge into entrepreneurship. In 2018 she started her YouTube channel and today has over 500 000 followers, not to mention the thousands of subscribers she has also gained on her other platforms, like Instagram and TikTok. In our conversation with Vanessa, we discuss her transition into entrepreneurship and the elements that made her success possible. Vanessa explains how her honesty attracted followers and how she unknowingly created a community out of the simple desire to build her network. Tuning in you’ll learn how Vanessa inadvertently found her niche as a business specialist who helps content creators, coaches, and corporate escapees build their businesses, by addressing the pain points that resonated with her community. We also discuss the course business model, how to scale it, and how Vanessa created her flagship course. To learn more about Vanessa’s rapid growth and why it’s never too late, or too early, to get on a new social media platform, make sure you tune in today! 

From "The Influential Personal Brand Podcast"

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