Glenn Beck & Arthur Brooks

JAILED for Daring to Feed Her Family | Guest: Arthur Brooks | 5/6/20

06 May 2020 • 123 min • ??
123 min
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Dallas salon owner Shelley Luther was sentenced to jail for refusing to apologize for disobeying stay-at-home orders and opening her shop. The U.K. scientist behind much of our coronavirus response has resigned for breaking his own rules to have an affair. Texas law enforcement brought a military vehicle to arrest armed protesters. Harvard business professor Arthur Brooks joins to discuss the serious risk of depression during quarantine and how social media plays a role. Glenn runs through how many Democrats actually believe Biden over Tara Reade and introduces us to Biden’s SEVEN accusers. Shelley Luther’s attorney, Warren Norred, joins with a firsthand view of her court hearing and how the judge wanted to make an example out of her. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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