The Work Podcast Episode 002

21 Mar 2025 • 38 min • EN
38 min
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Register For My FREE Masterclass: Get Keto Brick: Subscribe to the podcast: This episode kicked off with some technical difficulties—we had to restart a few times, making this our fourth attempt. But that's real life! We don't go into these episodes with a strict agenda, so we just let the conversation flow naturally around relevant topics, including business, nutrition, and lifestyle.We recently launched our new flavor, Cake Pop, and it sold out in six hours! That's faster than our first launch but not quite as quick as our promo fudge, which sold out in 57 minutes.We spent all day packaging orders, but we know some customers have been frustrated with shipping delays. We fulfill and ship orders within 24 hours—often the same day—but USPS has been inconsistent.While we don't want to throw USPS under the bus, we've had issues with their processing hubs. To speed things up, we started using UPS Saver for most Cake Pop orders, which should help bypass the bottleneck. If you ordered, let us know when your package arrives!Before launching Cake Pop, we were testing the website in Shopify, ensuring discounts and checkout worked properly. We temporarily made the product active for just a couple of minutes, but that triggered an automation that notified some customers it was back in stock.Within that tiny window, about 30 bricks got sold! We had to personally reach out to those customers to clarify the mistake. Everyone was understanding, but it wasn't an ideal way to start the weekend before a big launch.If you're into the carnivore diet and love our grass-finished tallow bricks, we've got some exciting new flavors coming soon.Over the next six weeks, we're rolling out some incredible new products, including one that's already generating a lot of buzz.We're also working on updates to our apparel line and website, though we're not ready to reveal all the details yet.We talked a lot about my prep and how things are progressing. Right now, I'm taking a slow, steady approach with no cardio yet, holding that back until needed.We discussed the contrast between traditional bodybuilding "bro dieting" and the ketogenic approach. A lot of bodybuilders eat 6 to 12 meals a day, which keeps them constantly thinking about food.On keto, we have steady energy and can eat just one or two meals a day without issues—it's a completely different experience.We found an amazing local peanut butter supplier just 20 minutes from us in Fayetteville, Arkansas. He roasts the peanuts himself and processes them in-house.We tested our latest flavor using this peanut butter, and the difference was obvious—richer, creamier, and way more flavorful.Greg and I reflected on aging and how lifestyle choices make a huge difference. He's 44 but feels like he's in his 30s, and I'd say he moves and acts younger than most people his age.We also talked about how, over time, the gap between those who prioritize health and those who don't becomes really obvious—especially at high school reunions!One of the biggest mindset shifts I've had is focusing on the future instead of reminiscing on past achievements. I wake up every day excited about what's ahead, and that's how I want to keep living.Our nine-month challenge has been awesome so far. We had our first group coaching call last week, and the energy was incredible.The tribe is super engaged, with experienced members helping newcomers, and the live calls allow for plenty of individualized guidance.We wrapped up the episode with a lighthearted conversation about youthfulness, mindset, and how we perceive age.If you're listening and have a topic you want us to cover, drop a comment on Spotify or YouTube—we want these episodes to be interactive and fun. That's a wrap on Episode 2! Until next time—adios, tata, bye-bye!

From "Savage Perspective Podcast"

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