A Cypherpunk Manifesto | Crypto Anarchist Series | Episode 2 (WiM299)
Max Hillebrand joins me for a series of conversations covering the work on crypto-anarchism. In this episode, we discuss "A Cypherpunk's Manifesto" written by Eric Hughes. Max Hillebrand is a free software entrepreneur building tools to empower individual sovereignty. // GUEST // Twitter: https://twitter.com/HillebrandMax A Cypherpunk's Manifesto: https://nakamotoinstitute.org/static/docs/cypherpunk-manifesto.txt // SPONSORS // In Wolf's Clothing: https://wolfnyc.com/ iCoin Hardware Wallet (use discount code BITCOIN23): https://www.icointechnology.com/ CrowdHealth: https://www.joincrowdhealth.com/breedlove Wasabi Wallet: https://wasabiwallet.io/ Join Me At Bitcoin 2023 in Miami (use discount code BREEDLOVE): https://b.tc/conference/ Casa (use discount code BREEDLOVE): https://keys.casa/ Bitcoin Apparel (use discount code BREEDLOVE): https://thebitcoinclothingcompany.com/ Feel Free Tonics (use discount code BREEDLOVE): https://botanictonics.com Carnivore Bar (use discount code BREEDLOVE): https://carnivorebar.com/ // OUTLINE // 00:00:00 - Coming up 00:01:09 - Intro 00:02:42 - Helping Lightning Startups with In Wolf's Clothing 00:03:29 - Introducing Max Hilbert 00:03:51 - A Cypherpunk Manifesto 00:10:27 - A Strong Case for Privacy 00:14:39 - The Relationship Between Taxation and Privacy 00:19:06 - An Option to Reveal or Conceal One's Privacy 00:23:55 - Governments and their Privacy 00:28:06 - Can you Steal Information? 00:31:19 - Bitcoin and the Legal System 00:34:50 - The Staggering Effects of The Global Communication Engine 00:41:28 - Secure Your Bitcoin Stash with The iCoin Hardware Wallet 00:42:25 - Take Control of Your Healthcare with CrowdHealth 00:43:26 - A Bitcoin Wallet with Privacy Built-In: Wasabi Wallet 00:44:01 - A Blurry Line Between Interactions and Transactions 00:48:18 - Selectively Revealing The Information 00:54:33 - “I Must Always Reveal Myself” 00:56:13 - Privacy in an Open Society Requires Anonymous Transaction System 00:58:11 - Monero vs. Bitcoin Argument 01:03:13 - Is Monero a Shitcoin? 01:05:09 - Why It’ll Take Years to Use Bitcoin Properly 01:08:12 - Transacting without Revealing One’s Identity 01:10:26 - Zero-Knowledge Proof and Cryptographic Signatures 01:15:32 - How Facebook Owns Your Data 01:17:58 - “Information Understands Less than Rumor” 01:19:47 - "Information Longs to be Free" 01:22:58 - A Chance to Win Discounted Tickets to the Bitcoin 2023 Conference and 10M SATS 01:23:53 - Hold Bitcoin in the Most Secure Custody Model with Casa 01:24:41 - The Only Way Out of the No Privacy Problem 01:30:44 - The Reason Behind the Movement 01:37:45 - A Stance Against Stateism Through Cryptography 01:40:56 - "Cryptography will Ineluctably Spread over the Whole Globe" 01:42:40 - The Incentives are a Ground Stand of Human Action 01:45:41 - An Open Source Ethos with Emphasis on Humility and Human Action 01:52:26 - Breaking down the word 'Cypherpunk' 01:53:07 - Human Flourishing or Global Totalitarianism 01:55:11 - What Motivates Max to Improve the Privacy of Humanity 02:00:51 - What Work Should Max and Robert Cover Next? // PODCAST // Podcast Website: https://whatismoneypodcast.com/ Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast... Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/25LPvm8... RSS Feed: https://feeds.simplecast.com/MLdpYXYI // SUPPORT THIS CHANNEL // Bitcoin: 3D1gfxKZKMtfWaD1bkwiR6JsDzu6e9bZQ7 Sats via Strike: https://strike.me/breedlove22 Sats via Tippin.me: https://tippin.me/@Breedlove22 Dollars via Paypal: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/RBreedlove Dollars via Venmo: https://account.venmo.com/u/Robert-Breedlove-2 The "What is Money?" Show Patreon Page: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=32843101 // WRITTEN WORK // Medium: https://breedlove22.medium.com/ Substack: https://breedlove22.substack.com/ // SOCIAL // Breedlove Twitter: https://twitter.com/Breedlove22 WiM? Twitter: https://twitter.com/WhatisMoneyShow LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/breedlove22/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/breedlove_22/ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@breedlove22 All My Current Work: https://vida.page/breedlove22
From "The "What is Money?" Show"
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