Minter Dial is a professional speaker and author specializing in leadership, branding, and personal transformation. He has written several great books including: Future Proof, Heartificial Empathy, and You Lead: How Being Yourself, Makes You a Better Leader. Highlights As a new leader taking over an underperforming sales team, where should you start? - 3:55 The strength of that confidence comes when you are also able to deal with your weaknesses, your imperfections. - 11:27 What’s next along our journey as a new sales leader? - 15:15 The “employee first” mentality leads to customer centricity. - 24:56 Falling victim into the victim idea. - 33:50 Attributes he’s looking for when recruiting. - 36:04 We all seek connection. - 41:53 Your role. - 42:32 How to get in contact with Minter? - 43:46 Episode Resources Connect with Mark Cox Connect with Minter Dial
From "The Selling Well"
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