The Secrets of Tantra and Biodynamic Living - with Gia Ma | Wake the Fake Up EP 45
Join our host Chervin Jafarieh as he engages in a transformative conversation with special guest Gaia Ma, an international Tantra workshop facilitator. This episode offers a thought-provoking exploration of the intersection between spirituality, ecology, and personal responsibility. Chervin and Gaia delve deep into topics such as the true essence of Tantra—a weaving between our humble animal human selves and the highest spirit-guided part of us. Gaia emphasizes the power of using our bodies to embody the divine here on earth. The discussion extends to biodynamic farming and ecological regeneration, shedding light on sustainable practices that foster a deeper connection between humanity and the planet. Tantra, as explored in the episode, challenges us to recognize our role as humans capable of both harming and healing the earth. Gaia stresses the responsibility we carry to become agents of healing and transformation. The conversation takes a poignant turn as the importance of keeping the arrow of desire pointed towards utopia is discussed. Gaia encourages channeling our desires for a greater, richer life as a collective journey towards a harmonious existence. === TIMESTAMPS: 00:00:00 - Intro And Stewarding The Planet 00:05:19 - Gaia's Organic Calling Into Tantra And What It Means 00:10:12 - Desire Is The Arrow In Tantra 00:15:27 - Taking Responsibility For Being An Aspect Of God 00:20:03 - Serving The Earth And Living In A Wholesome Way 00:25:29 - InanItah And Reducing Consumption 00:30:19 - Gaia's Vision Of Chervin 00:35:15 - Chasing Being A Child Again And Mind Staging 00:40:06 - Embodyment & Conclusion === Gaia is best known internationally as a transformational workshop facilitator. In this work, Gaia discovered a way to bridge multiple interests: integrating body with awareness, shadow with light, feminine with masculine and sex with spirit. She has been facilitating transformational Tantra workshops and retreats around the world since 2004. She has received certifications in the OSHO Therapist Training and the Skydancing Tantra Facilitator Trianing. She also holds a degree in Gender & Sexuality Studies and Economics from New York University. Connect with Gaia: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/inanitah Website: http://gaiagasm.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/170751891186/ === Connect with WaketheFakeUp: Instagram: https://instagram.com/wakethefakeup_podcast?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= Website: https://www.wakethefakeup.com Newsletter: https://www.chervinjafarieh.com/join Chervin Jafarieh Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chervin333/ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@chervin333?_t=8ZlZ7FZWhvW&_r=1 Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/chervin-jafarieh-907807205 Website: https://www.chervinjafarieh.com Newsletter: https://www.chervinjafarieh.com/join
From "Wake The Fake Up"
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