E184 – For The Love Of Reading with Danny Brassell
As a kid, I would get lost in the stories by Judy Blume, Beverly Cleary and Gordon Korman. Even now, when I find the time, I can devour a good mystery or suspense novel. But as a mom of 2, one with an extreme form of dyslexia, I understand that not everyone likes yet alone loves to read. Joining me today is Danny Brassell who has made it his mission to share how to make reading a lifelong habit. Connect with Danny at www.theREADINGhabit.com and www.freereadingtraining.com, Facebook @dannybrassell and Instagram @realdannybrassell Your support of The Roller Coaster is always appreciated, please make sure to SUBSCRIBE! If you REALLY like what you hear, leave a comment, and share it with your friends! Connect with me at www.therollercoaster.com, on Facebook @therollercoasterpodcast and Instagram @the_roller_coaster_podcast SUBSCRIBE on YouTube at: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCb1mMxhdR154StDjzwz8jIw JOIN US! www.necturegrowth.com and follow Necture Growth Network on Instagram @necturegrowth. Reach me at hello@necturegrowth.com. Thanks for joining me today and until next time I’m sending my virtually distant hugs!
From "The Roller Coaster of Midlife"
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