Ricky Varandas & Robb Wolf , The Ripple Effect Podcast

The Ripple Effect Podcast (Robb Wolf | Big-Food, Big-Pharma & The Big Lies Propagated By Them Both)

03 Feb 2022 • 87 min • EN
87 min
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Robb Wolf is a biochemist, researcher, podcaster, one of the pioneers of the paleo nutrition movement, one of the first Crossfit franchise owners and 2X New York Times/WSJ Best Selling author of The Paleo Solution and Wired To Eat. Robb has functioned as a review editor for the Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism (Biomed Central) and as a consultant for the Naval Special Warfare Resiliency program. He serves on the board of Directors/Advisors for: Specialty Health Inc, The Chickasaw Nation’s “Unconquered Life” initiative and a number of innovative start ups with a focus on health and sustainability. Robb holds a brown belt in Brazilian Jiu-jitsu and is a former California State Powerlifting Champion (565 lb. Squat, 345 lb. Bench, 565 lb. Dead Lift) and a 6-0 amateur kickboxer. Wolf has provided seminars in nutrition and strength & conditioning to a number of entities including NASA, Naval Special Warfare, the Canadian Light Infantry and the United States Marine Corps. ROBB WOLF Website: https://robbwolf.com/ Sacred Cow Book & Documentary: https://www.sacredcow.info/ LMNT: Electrolyte Supplement: https://drinklmnt.com/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/robbwolf YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCd7XONJSXAV7wrt-Y-myXHg THE RIPPLE EFFECT PODCAST WEBSITE: http://TheRippleEffectPodcast.com TeleGram: https://t.me/TREpodcast PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/TheRippleEffectPodcast PayPal: https://www.PayPal.com/paypalme/RvTheory6 MERCH Store: http://www.TheRippleEffectPodcastMerch.com ROKFIN: https://rokfin.com/RippleEffect Fringe.FM: https://fringe.fm/shows/the-ripple-effect-podcast/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVfy9MXhb5EIciYRIO9cKUw ODYSEE: https://odysee.com/@therippleeffectpodcast:d BITCHUTE: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/6bOtjURD1rds/ FLOTE: https://flote.app/trepodcast RUMBLE: https://rumble.com/c/c-745495 Banned.VIDEO: https://banned.video/channel/the-ripple-effect-podcast PARLER: https://parler.com/#/user/RvTheory6 FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/TheRippleEffectPodcast/ TWITTER: https://twitter.com/RvTheory6 INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/rvtheory6/ SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/show/4lpFhHI6CqdZKW0QDyOicJ GOOGLE PLAY/PODCASTS: https://podcasts.google.com/search/the%20ripple%20effect%20podcast iTUNES: http://apple.co/1xjWmlF STITCHER RADIO: https://www.stitcher.com/show/the-ripple-effect-podcast THE RIPPLE EFFECT PODCAST is distributed and protected by: https://ContentSafe.co/ THE UNION OF THE UNWANTED LinkTree: https://linktr.ee/uotuw RSS FEED: https://uotuw.podbean.com/ Merch Store: https://www.teepublic.com/stores/union-of-the-unwanted?ref_id=22643&utm_campaign=22643&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_source

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