What it’s like Living with Bipolar Disorder| Kitt O’Malley
Our guest today on “The Natural Healing Reel” is Kitt O'Malley. She is a mental health advocate, public speaker, and former psychotherapist who has been diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Kitt is also an author, with her book called “Balancing Act: Writing Through a Bipolar Life". In this episode, we discuss her life’s struggles, and how it took two decades for her to receive a proper diagnosis. She explains how her suffering gave her new purpose in life, as she began a journey of spreading awareness. Kitt elaborates on how mental health problems are vast in society, and she campaigns to put an end to prejudice against those suffering these challenges. She’s also dealt with postpartum depression, trauma, NDD, and many other issues. She describes how taking a spiritual path got her through these difficult times. In watching this episode, I’m certain you’ll learn a little something, while adding newfound inspiration to your life. Please sit back and enjoy this episode of "The Natural Healing Reel" and remember to click the "like," "share," and "subscribe" buttons today! For more information and inquiries: https://www.kittomalley.com/
From "The Natural Healing Reel"
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