Surgeon/founder of the Relaxx Meditation app Dr. Krishna Bhatta is my very special guest!
Surgeon/founder of the Relaxx Meditation app Dr. Krishna Bhatta talks about how he created the unique app to bring material change to people around the world by connecting their inner flame with their daily routine with tools, techniques, content and features mindfulness, intermittent silence, meditation and more! Dr. Bhatta is the Chief of Urology at Northern Light Eastern Maine Medical Center in Bangor plus the author of many books and part of Krishna Universe and KKNKTV! Check out the amazing Dr. Krishna Bhatta and the new Relaxx Meditation App at ! #drkrishnabhatta #krishnabhatta #surgeon #relaxxmeditationapp ##krishnauniverse #urology #bangormaine #amazon #audible #iheartradio #spreaker #spotify #itunes #googleplay #applemusic #youtube #podbean #anchorfm #mikewagner #themikewagnershow #mikewagnerdrkrishnabhatta #themikewagnershowdrkrishnabhatta
From "The Mike Wagner Show"
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