The Mike Wagner Show
Mike Wagner is a 30+ year broadcasting and radio personality interviews famous celebrities, actors, singers, authors, comedians, and interesting people doing amazing things!
Show episodes

The multi-talented singer/songwriting duo from Torquay, UK Midnight 5-6 are my very special guests!
The multi-talented singer/songwriting duo from Torquay, UKMidnight 5-6 talk about their releases “When”, “Wishing I Was Gone”, “The Sea”,“Oooo!!” and more! The duo of Simon and Helen met online after the death ofboth of their partners with common music interests including John Martyn,Little Feat, etc., and formed the g

The multi-talented singer/songwriting duo from Torquay, UK Midnight 5-6 are my very special guests!
The multi-talented singer/songwriting duo from Torquay, UKMidnight 5-6 talk about their releases “When”, “Wishing I Was Gone”, “The Sea”,“Oooo!!” and more! The duo of Simon and Helen met online after the death ofboth of their partners with common music interests including John Martyn,Little Feat, etc., and formed the g

Award-winning speaker/author/host of “The Grampion” Jim Tracy is my guest with "Building Men"!
Award-winning speaker, author & host of “The Grampion” JimTracy talks about his new release“Building Men” exploring the essence of true character building, sharingstories of pivotal figures influencing his business acumen with leadership and integrity from his beginnings in Watertown,SD while offering valuable insight

Award-winning speaker/author/host of “The Grampion” Jim Tracy is my guest with "Building Men"!
Award-winning speaker, author & host of “The Grampion” JimTracy talks about his new release“Building Men” exploring the essence of true character building, sharingstories of pivotal figures influencing his business acumen with leadership and integrity from his beginnings in Watertown,SD while offering valuable insight

Studio City, CA author/vibrant survivor of TBI Emily Silver Owen talks about her debut release “The Best of the Worst”!
Studio City, CAauthor/vibrant survivor of TBI Emily Silver Owen talks about her debut release“The Best of the Worst” sharing her incredible journey of survival after beinghit by an intoxicated driver in Sept. ’19 falling to the grounds withlife-threatening injuries ready to graduate from Humboldt State University andre

Professor Louie of Professor Louie & the Crow Matix is my very special guest with "Crowin' Around"!
Woodstock, NY Grammy-nominated singer/songwriter Professor Louieof Professor Louie and the Crow Matix talks about the latest release “Crowin’Around” featuring “Elevate Yourself”, “Too Much Fun”, “A Million”, “MondayBoogaloo” etc., plus previous works “Strike Up The Band”, “Whispering Pines”,“Wings on Fire” and more! Pr