Mike Wagner & Howard Bloom , The Mike Wagner Show

Author Howard Bloom returns with an update on the Space Race and more!

09 Sep 2021 • 63 min • EN
63 min
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Author Howard Bloom returns with an update on the new race for space with China on how it affects space travel and how the role of NASA is diminished, plus the recent competition for space featuring Richard Branson vs. Jeff Bezos and Howard also talks at length about the Space Development Steering Committee, the latest project for National Space Society, the $2 Billion Moon Prize, and the Big Bang Tango Media Lab! Tune in for this amazing in-depth interview with the amazing Howard Bloom and check out all his books on Amazon and www.howardbloom.net ! #howardbloom #author #publicist #space #race #NASA #richardbranson #jeffbezos #spacedevelopment #mars #nationalspacesociety #2billiondollarmoonprize #bigbangtangomedialab #amazon #audible #iheartradio #spreaker #spotify #itunes #googleplay #applemusic #youtube #anchorfm #mikewagner #themikewagnershow #mikewagnerhowardbloom #themikewagnershowhowardbloom

From "The Mike Wagner Show"

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