Author/publicist Howard Bloom is back by popular demand including how to save money on space travel!
Author/publicist Howard Bloom is back by popular demand with the latest updates including wanting NASA to cancel a space launch program and putting chips on Elon Musk’s starship, showing Democrats how solar power harvested in space can eliminate man-made contribution to climate change, and how to get to the moon faster at a fraction of the cost! Plus Howard has some big plans for 2021 and check out all his books and more at www.howardbloom.net !#howardbloom #authorhowardbloom #publicist #publicisthowardbloom #NASA #elonmusk #spacetravel #climatechange #democrats #artemis #spacex #spacelaunch #moon #rocket #amazon #audible #iheartradio #spotify #spreaker #anchorfm #itunes #googleplay #applemusic #youtube #mikewagner #themikewagnershow #mikewagnerhowardbloom #themikewagnershowhowardbloom
From "The Mike Wagner Show"
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