The High Cost of Financial Disunity

16 May 2024 • 22 min • EN
22 min
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Want to stop money fights from undermining your relationship and business? According to  Bekah & Kevin, who have built a thriving marriage and multiple businesses over 25 years, it IS possible. But it takes the right mindset and tactics. In this episode, Kevin & Bekah share their battle-tested strategies for eliminating financial friction, including:Why 100% transparency about debts and purchases is non-negotiable (no more hidden spending!)How to choose a money management system that reinforces your "oneness" as a coupleThe weekly habit that will transform your financial teamwork and intimacy Kevin & Bekah also dive into eye-opening statistics about the link between debt and marital conflict, the dangers of financial secrecy, and how your family of origin shapes your money mindset. If you want to turn money from a source of stress to a source of strength in your relationship, this episode is a must-listen. Tune in now to discover practical tips you can implement today! Subscribe and tell a friend! Get my new book "The Seven Disciplines of Uncommon Freedom" on Amazon! Visit today to sign up for our email newsletter. Access our Free health assessment HERE

From "Uncommon Freedom"

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