Uncommon Freedom

Updated: 13 Jun 2024 • 75 episodes

Ready to join the movement of people choosing to build a life of Uncommon Freedom™? Join hosts, Bekah and Kevin Tinter, to maximize your potential, skyrocket your impact, and live a great life while you make the world a better place. Learn from inspiring guests who have made the decision to lead the life they want, instead of accepting the life they were given. Discover how to embrace the prosperity with a purpose, making an eternal impact to change your corner of the world. It’s time to design a life where you have the options to do what you want, when you want, and with who you want. That's Uncommon Freedom™. Join us on this journey and unleash your full potential today!

Show episodes

Running a business with your spouse can be incredibly rewarding, but also uniquely challenging. How do you optimize your time and energy to grow your enterprise while still being present for your marriage and family? In this episode, powerhouse couple Kevin and Bekah Tinter let you in on their proven formula for doing

17 min
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Does your vision for building wealth go beyond just securing a comfortable lifestyle? Do you dream of creating a legacy of generosity that outlasts you? Many couples have the desire to use their prosperity to make a positive impact, but aren"t sure how to go about it. In this episode, Kevin and Bekah, successful marrie

18 min
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Are you and your spouse struggling to manage your finances while running a business together? You"re not alone. Many entrepreneurial couples face challenges like mixing personal and business funds, mismatched money habits, and lack of communication that can strain both the bottom line and the marriage. But it doesn"t h

20 min
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Want to dream BIG about your financial future with your spouse and start building momentum together? According to Kevin & Bekah, who have navigated everything from living in tiny apartments to 7-figure giving goals in their 20+ year marriage, it all starts with dreaming together. In this episode, they share 3 powerful

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Want to stop money fights from undermining your relationship and business? According to  Bekah & Kevin, who have built a thriving marriage and multiple businesses over 25 years, it IS possible. But it takes the right mindset and tactics. In this episode, Kevin & Bekah share their battle-tested strategies for eliminatin

22 min
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Want your kids to have an enriching summer while you stay productive in your business? According to Kevin & Bekah, who are parenting 4 kids (including 3 teens), while running a business (or two!) from home . . . it IS possible. But it takes intentional planning. In this episode, Kevin & Bekah share their top 3 tried-an

23 min
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