18 Feb 2025 • 136 min • EN
136 min
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After what Mike called the low point of the show in terms ofmovie we’ve covered, this week we’ve rebounded with a minor classic, WilliamPeter Blatty’s The Exorcist 3. Or is it Legion? Or is it The Exorcist 3:Legion? Or is it The Exorcist 1990? As you can see already, this one had a long, winding, andoften confusing path to the screen. From creative differences that led toBlatty ultimately taking the helm, to forced reshoots, and a wedged in exorcismin the third act, to recasting three of the principal characters, it’s a hellof a tale. Brad Douriff alone would replace Jason Miller, only to be replacedby Miller after test screenings, only to replace / team up with Miller to playthe same character after replacing him didn’t work. It’s stunning a coherentfilm even emerged, let alone one that’s as smart, scary and thoughtful asExorcist 3. Featuring one last powerful turn from a late in his career George CScott, Brad Douriff at his scariest (coming off Child’s Play no less) and oneof the best jump scares in movie history, this one packs a wallop.

From "The Pod and the Pendulum"

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