Unpacking Marketing Strategy with Claudia Schalkx: Standing Out With Your Secret Sauce
"You need to create an impact with your uniqueness. You create an impact by the way you stand out. There are some elements in there like your personality, what you like to do, what you don't like to do, what you're comfortable with, and what you're not comfortable with. But if you boil it down to pure marketing, I would say that you stand out through your marketing message, which is the answer to what do you do in a way that the conversation will keep going." Today’s guest is Claudia Schalkx, my consultant, friend, and trusted advisor for all things marketing. Claudia is a marketing strategist known for un-complicating marketing so your life gets much easier and you get better results from strategies created around YOU & YOUR business. She firmly believes in customized things, whether it is clothing, coffee, chocolate, or, for that matter, marketing solutions, and developed a proprietary method that creates a customized marketing roadmap for her clients - in a way that’s both methodical and personalized! I have been working with Claudia for over a year and can say firsthand that her approach is truly transformational. Claudia Schalkx learned that standing out and marketing one's business is an individual process. To make an impact, one must own their unique traits, find their ideal client, and create a signature system that reveals their true uniqueness. Schalkx advises focusing on understanding one's clients better than they know themselves and leveraging one's natural strengths when marketing. Boundaries are also essential in order to remain consistent and avoid spoiling clients. Values, goals, and tactics should be kept in mind in order to measure success. Knowing one's ideal client is key to creating content that resonates and stands out. In this episode, you will learn the following:How to stand out with your marketing message and signature systemUnderstanding your ideal client to create content that resonates with themHow to identify and leverage your natural strengths for consistency Mentioned in this episode: Marie Forleo: https://www.marieforleo.com/ Amy Porterfield: https://www.amyporterfield.com/ Forbes quote: https://www.forbes.com/sites/larrymyler/2017/02/23/7-ways-to-make-your-business-stand-out-in-a-crowd-of-competitors/ Want to connect with Claudia?: Website: https://bridge2more.com/ Marketing Quiz https://bridge2more.com/marketing-style-quiz/ Complimentary Marketing Session Get Unstuck in 20 minutes https://bridge2more.com/20-min-mktng/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/claudiaschalkx/ IG: https://www.instagram.com/bridge2morebizz/ Other episodes you'll enjoy: Episode #122 Leading With Your Values with Laura Eigel, Ph.D. - <a href="https://bit.ly/3q2z59c" rel="noopener noreferrer"...
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