In this special end-of-year episode of The Most Days Show, host Brent Franson reflects on the journey of the podcast so far. He starts by sharing an update about the closure of the Most Days app, acknowledging the impact it had on its community while explaining the decision to move forward with a new focus. He introduces Death Clock, a longevity-focused app designed to help people better understand and improve their health and habits. You can check out Death Clock here. Brent then looks back on over 60 episodes, revisiting some of the most compelling conversations and thought-provoking moments from the past year and a half. He reflects on key themes explored throughout the show, including behavior change, mental health, addiction, and resilience. Whether you’re tuning in for the first time or have been along for the ride since the beginning, this episode offers inspiration and insights to help you reflect, reset, and move forward into the new year with purpose. Hope you enjoy and happy new year.
From "The Most Days Show"
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