The award-winning multi-talented Sensei of Swing Eric Diamond returns with breaking news for 2025!

12 Feb 2025 • 36 min • EN
36 min
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The award-winning multi-talented Sensei of Swing Eric Diamondgives us an update of his best-selling release “All of Me” featuring the titletrack, “I’ve Got a New Heartache”, “Bring Me Sunshine” plus a sneak peek intohis upcoming 3rd release for 2025! Eric began his amazing career at 15making the finals of the Jimmy Dean Country Showdown, played locally in SantaFe and Durango, CO until 21, fronted Eric Diamond & The Rocky MountainPlayboys and played with Cowtown Swing later moving to Nashville, plus amulti-award winner as the most western swing played on the radio, PeopleMagazine’s People of Country at #10, Heroes of Western Swing from Gov. Abbott, ’24Entertainer of the Year with Tom Ousley and inducted into the Western SwingHall of Fame in Sacramento, CA! Check out the amazing Eric Diamond on all majorplatforms andwww.ericdiamondmusic.comtoday! #ericdiamond #senseiofswing #westernswing #ericdiamondmusic #allofme#ivegotanewheartache #bringmesunshine #jimmydeancountryshowdown #peoplemagazine#heoresofwesternswing #govenorabbott #entertaineroftheyear #tomousley #westernswinghalloffame#spreaker #iheartradio #spotify #applemusic #youtube #anchorfm #bitchute#rumble #mikewagner #themikewagnershow #mikewagnerericdiamond#themikewagnershowericdiamond

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