How to Build a Loyal Community through Podcasting - With Cliff Ravenscraft
Building an audience to ensure your podcast is successful is a no brainer. But how you choose to go about that can make all the difference between getting a few random downloads or getting a dedicated audience of listeners waiting with baited breath for each new episode that they loyally download and listen to from start to finish every time. Your goal should be to find those dedicated listeners that you know will anticipate every new episode - and hopefully - are excited enough to engage with you in the form of feedback. But how do you build that trust and loyalty within your audience? You start by providing them with the most valuable content you can, and then initiate and foster a sense of community and reciprocity where they feel inclined to offer the same to you. Cliff Ravenscraft is the "Podcast Answer Man," a highly respected podcasting consultant and coach at the top of his game. The best and biggest names in podcasting have studied and learned under Cliff’s tutelage and gone on to become some of the most respected and revered names in podcasting today. www.agentsofchangecon.com/podcasts/132
From "The Agents of Change Digital Marketing Podcast"
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