Chris Do & Jason Fried , The Futur with Chris Do

Taking Risks — with Jason Fried

13 Apr 2022 • 78 min • EN
78 min
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Jason Fried is the founder and CEO of Basecamp. Once a web design firm (and operating under the name 37Signals), Basecamp unintentionally pivoted into building software with their namesake product. They also created the email app HEY, a fresh take on an old idea. As you can imagine, Jason is no stranger to change. In this episode, he shares how Basecamp accidentally came to be and the struggles they’ve encountered along the way. Like working remotely, building new products, and taking calculated risks that from the outside might look crazy. Change is inevitable, but it’s rarely easy, especially for a company where people are the driving force. Shifts in direction profoundly affect company culture, and how you manage that change can make or break your business. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

From "The Futur with Chris Do"

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