Stephan Livera & Knut Svanholm , Stephan Livera Podcast

SLP304 Is The Bitcoin Infinity Meme Wrong? With Knut Svanholm

14 Sep 2021 • 62 min • EN
62 min
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Knut Svanholm, Bitcoin writer joins me on the show to chat about why you are not prepared for hyperbitcoinisation, and various concepts such as adoption, what it might look like, and the infinity meme. Is the infinity meme wrong? I believe it is, but listen in to Knut and I discussing it! Links: Twitter: @knutsvanholm Article: You Are Not Prepared - Citadel 21 Sponsors: Swan Bitcoin Hodl Hodl Lend Compass Mining Unchained Capital (code LIVERA) CypherSafe (code LIVERA) (code LIVERA) Stephan Livera links: Show notes and website Follow me on Twitter @stephanlivera Subscribe to the podcast Patreon @stephanlivera

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