Elizabeth Novogratz & Peter Singer , Species Unite

Peter Singer: Animal Liberation NOW

31 May 2023 • 36 min • EN
36 min
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“I think to some extent it shows that we don't want to have knowledge that will make us uncomfortable or make us feel that we're doing something wrong. And I get that from people quite often, you know, that don't really know me very well, but they ask me what I'm doing and I mention something about I've written about animals and the way animals raised for food are treated. And then they’ll say, ‘Oh, don't tell me, you'll spoil my dinner.’” – Peter Singer    In 1975, Peter Singer changed the way we talk about how we treat animals in our food system, in research and everywhere else we use, exploit and torture them. He gave the world Animal Liberation, the book that gave birth to generations of animal activists, advocates, vegans and the animal rights movement. And last week, a new version of Animal Liberation entered the world, Animal Liberation NOW.  This version is much more than a revised edition, it’s more like a whole new book, because a lot has happened in 50 years, and sadly, a lot hasn't happened.  Peter and I met the day before the book came out to talk about what has changed and more importantly, what needs to change NOW.  Please listen, share and then go read Animal Liberation NOW.    

From "Species Unite"

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