Brian Keating "Losing Nobel Prize, Childhood, Hunger Game, Criticism"
In this episode, we are excited to have prof. Brian Keating, the host INTO THE IMPOSSIBLE PODCAST. He is the Chancellor's Distinguished Professor of Physics at UC San Diego where he and his team study the origin and evolution of space, time, & matter. He is the author of Losing the Nobel prize, selected as one of the Best Science Books by Science Friday, Amazon, Science News, Physics Today, and also selected as one of the best cosmology books of all time by Book Authority. I felt touched by this episode since we discussed how childhood could affect you as a scientist, the motivation behind authoring the losing Nobel prize, we spoke about the hunger game in academia and the criticism of including scientists outside academia for scientific debates and discourses. It shouldn't go without saying that prof. Brian has attracted many brightest mind in our scientist society for example not no limited to : Sir Roger Penrose who won the Nobel prize this year, Jim simons, Stephan Wolfram, Sylvester James Gates, and Eric Weinstein Prof.Brian asked me a few questions in his signature question for each guest in his podcast and one thing I urge to think “What that thing that maybe was impossible for you and become possible or still aspire to have in your life” I would like to thank Michael from podcast factory .transforma bxl for opening his podcast studio doors for recording this episode. You can also find the video format of this episode in prof. Brian youtube channel, I hope you enjoy listening You can follow Prof.Brian Keating on Twitter: @DrBrianKeating Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/DrBrianKeating?sub_confirmation=1 Apple podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/into-the-impossible-with-brian-keating/id1169885840?mt=2
From "Soft Robotics Podcast"
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