Have you ever wondered why some salespeople consistently outperform others, even those who, on the surface, appear equally talented? High performance is not just about natural ability - it’s also about the intensity and quality of preparation. Chances are, these top sales professionals are spending more time and energy preparing for their meetings than their peers. In this Snippet, Dan sits down with Nick Hardwick, former Center for the San Diego Chargers, to explore the parallels between preparing for a high-stakes football game and preparing for crucial sales meetings. They’ll dive deep into why talent alone isn’t enough to succeed in the long run, how to build systems that position you for greater success over time, and preparing for the unexpected so you can stay flexible when the game (or sales conversation) changes. Nick's insights from the world of professional football will challenge you to rethink your approach to sales preparation and give you practical strategies to elevate your game. Ready to transform your sales preparation and performance? Listen to this snippet, and then scroll back to Episode 10, Preparing to Win with NFL’s Nick Hardwick, to hear the full conversation on the power of preparation in high-stakes situations.
From "Breaking Sales"
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