Selling From the Heart with Larry Levine
With 27 years of in-the-field B2B sales experience in the technology industry, Larry knows what it takes to be successful. He’s successfully sold office technology, document management solutions, and managed services to customers ranging from up-and-down the street accounts for Fortune 500 companies. After a conversation with a current customer about LinkedIn, Larry became fascinated with this emerging network of business people. He started experimenting with LinkedIn in his copier sales process. During this time, he learned from trial and error what works and what doesn’t work In the fall of 2013 Larry accepted a new challenge as a major account rep for a Japanese OEM in Los Angeles, one of the most competitive markets in the world. He walked into a zero base territory with no MIF to flip. Using his LinkedIn sales strategies he booked $1.3 million in hardware sales in 2014 and left behind a $1.6 million pipeline for the next rep to develop. Now Larry coaches B2B sales professionals to do what he did. Since 2015 Larry has coached both quota-busting tenured reps and green millennials just beginning their careers. Both appreciate the practical nature of his coaching. On this EpisodeStacey and Larry share where they think fear of sales comes from and how to conquer it.Learn the key to selling from the heart.Find out how to build a “relationship funnel.”Hear how to avoid the entrepreneurial witness protection program.Larry explains how to become digitally referable. 3 Key Takeaways:If you don’t manage yourself at a higher level than anyone else manages you, you’re failing.The key to success is how well you take care of your customers.You’ll never no how good you are until you get out there and do it. Tweetable Quotes:As salespeople, all we are are solution providers.How we do some things is how we do everything.The stories in our head are the stories that we tell.If you help more, you sell more. Larry LevineSellingFromtheHeart.Net Resources: If you're ready to take yourself and your business to the next level, and are interested in a coaching program that will get you there: pivotpointadvantage.com/iWantSuccess Join an interactive environment to help you build the success you've always wanted with other like-minded, success-driven entrepreneurs, business owners and sales professionals: facebook.com/groups/SellWithoutSelling Schedule a 15 minute call with Stacey: pivotpointadvantage.com/talktostacey
From "Sell Without Selling"
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