Sales Storytelling with Tom Jackobs
In an era defined by data, analytics, and ROI metrics, it's easy to overlook the timeless power of a good story. We often associate storytelling with campfires and bedtime routines rather than conference rooms and quarterly earnings reports. However, the art of storytelling is not just for novelists and filmmakers; it is an invaluable tool in the world of sales and business. One of the most cited statistics supporting this idea is from psychologist Jerome Bruner, who found that facts are 20 times more likely to be remembered if they're part of a story. This statistic not only underscores the incredible retention power of stories but also demonstrates their capacity to influence and persuade — two critical elements in sales. On this week's episode, we are joined by Tom Jackobs, Entrepreneur and Coach, to discuss why storytelling works and how to harness its power to drive sales.
From "The Chris Hood Digital Show"
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