Rich Lamonica – The MisfitNation
Rich Lamonica is the MisFitNation Show CEO, and the host. The show originated through the efforts of a U.S. Army Veteran and is hosted by two veterans and a military spouse. The show’s goal is to inspire everyone to be better humans. The MisFitNation does this by having guests with stories of grit and resilience while adding in experts in many fields, such as authors, entrepreneurs, coaches, motivational speakers, health and fitness professionals, and many more. Besides being the host of The MisFitNation, Rich is the Chapter lead for the Clarksville Chapter of The Travis Manion Foundation (TMF). The TMF develops programs, training opportunities, and events designed to empower veterans and families of the fallen and then inspire them to pass on their values to the next generation and the community. You can learn more about the MisFitNation at https://www.themisfitnation.com/ and more about the Travis Manion Foundation at https://www.travismanion.org/.
From "Overcomers Overcoming"
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