Prospering With Purpose: Building a Vision Bigger than Yourselves

06 Jun 2024 • 18 min • EN
18 min
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Does your vision for building wealth go beyond just securing a comfortable lifestyle? Do you dream of creating a legacy of generosity that outlasts you? Many couples have the desire to use their prosperity to make a positive impact, but aren"t sure how to go about it. In this episode, Kevin and Bekah, successful married entrepreneurs, share 4 strategies to get  you and your spouse on the path of prospering with purpose. You"ll discover how to:Craft a compelling family mission statement that unifies your "why"Maximize your charitable giving through automation and donor-advised fundsDevelop a proactive plan to support the causes closest to your heartEstablish your legacy wishes with the guidance of an estate planning attorney Kevin and Bekah also dive into their personal journey of faithful stewardship, from tithing on a tiny military income to now hosting 30-50 person gatherings in their home each month. They offer practical tips on how to get your kids involved in generosity, research charities, and have fun while being a blessing to others. Whether you"re just beginning your wealth-building journey or well on your way, this episode will inspire you to dream bigger about the impact your prosperity can have on your family, community and world for generations to come. Tune in now to learn how to write your own legacy of purpose-driven abundance! Subscribe and tell a friend! Get my new book "The Seven Disciplines of Uncommon Freedom" on Amazon! Visit today to sign up for our email newsletter. Access our Free health assessment HERE

From "Uncommon Freedom"

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