024 • Worm Composting
Indoor composting is perfect when you don't have access to municipal green waste pick up, and the way to do it indoors is with those wriggly and delightful little creatures called earthworms. Compost is the missing link in today's waste management crisis but everyone, EVERYONE could do their part by removing food scraps and even most paper recycling from the waste stream! We can do it people!! Today's chat with Cathy Nesbitt, pro vermicomposter, magic soil producer and owner of Cathy's Crawly Composters, might be just the inspiration we all need to dig deep into the world of composting and start saving the planet, one bit of food scrap at a time! To check out Cathy's website and access a ton of composting resources visit: http://www.cathyscomposters.com/ Elaine Ingham's Soil Foodweb for creating healthy soil: https://www.soilfoodweb.com/ The Dirty Dozen, list of produce containing the highest levels of pesticides: https://www.longevitylive.com/live-better/2019-dirty-dozen-list-pesticides/ Documentary "And This is My Garden" trailer and website: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RS99UQRdqX0 http://andthisismygarden.com/ New episodes every Sunday! Remember to leave a rating or review on iTunes, Apple Podcasts and Google Podcasts, like us on Spotify, subscribe on YouTube, and follow me on Instagram @practicallyzerowastepod or @elsbethcallaghan If you have a question or an idea for the podcast, contact us at practicallyzerowaste@gmail.com. Even send us a voice memo with your questions and we'll include the best ones in coming episodes! Have a great week everyone!
From "Practical(ly) Zero Waste"
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