On Being a Leader with Michelle Cox
Executive life coach Michelle Cox joins us to talk about being a leader in all aspects of your life, specifically: 1. Being a leader in your work - Your team is a reflection of you, without creating self-awareness of who you are as a leader, what expectations you have of yourself and your team, you may have a missing in your leadership. 2. Being a leader in your relationships. Creating healthy relationships within your team creates trust and is crucial to building a successful team/organization. There are four components that are key to building healthy relationships. 3. Being a leader in your organization. Whether you're an owner or executive leading a team, creating a vision and a focused strategy that aligns with that vision is critical. Without it, you experience unexpected starts and stops. Connect with Michelle, get her tips, and more at MichellelCox.com and on LinkedIn. Get Alex's book, THE PODCAST OPTION: https://amzn.to/3gOCYLj Listen to our entire library of episodes and more on the show website: PRAfterHours.com. Drop a buck in the tip jar here. Announcer: Mary McKenna. PR After Hours Theme: https://filmmusic.io "Bossa Antigua" by Kevin MacLeod (https://incompetech.com) License: CC. Sound effects. This episode of the PR After Hours Podcast was recorded and mixed at Green Shebeen Studios in beautiful Kansas City, Missouri. Copyright 2022, all rights reserved. No reproduction, excerpting, or other use without written permission. As an Amazon Associate, we earn a small commission on some of our Amazon links.
From "PR After Hours with Alex Greenwood"
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