Dr Lance Frank is a Doctor of Physical Therapy. He operates a private practice, Flex PT ATL, in Atlanta Georgia USA. His pelvic health physical therapy services support cisgender and transgender people who are managing sexual health and intimacy concerns, pelvic pain, and urinary or bowel dysfunction. Host Michael Millward decided to find someone who could discuss pelvic health for men because the common belief is that only women need to worry about their pelvic health. So! In this episode of the Abeceder podcast Fit For My Age Lance explores with Michael why male pelvic health is so often not discussed. Their own discussion covers what men need to know about maintaining and improving their pelvic health. All too often these men are too embarrassed to talk about the more intimate aspects of their health and well-being. Dr Lance delivers advice that is perfectly balanced between direct facts and sensitivity to the issues. Any man will feel empowered to discuss pelvic health with their health care provider. Fit For My Age is made on Zencastr, the all-in-one podcasting platform, on which you can create your podcast in one place and then distribute it to every platform. Zencastr really does make making content so easy. If you would like to try podcasting using Zencastr visit zencastr.com/pricing and use our offer code ABECEDER. Thank you to the team at Matchmaker.fm for introducing me to Lance. Matchmaker.fm is where matches of great hosts and great guests are made. Use our offer code MILW10 for a discount on membership. Travel to California Lance Frank is based in Atlanta Georgie USA. Members of The Ultimate Travel Club can book travel to Atlanta or anywhere else in the world at trade prices. Use our offer code ABEC79 to receive a discount on club membership fees. Visit Abeceder for more information about both Michael Millward, and Lance Frank. Proactive Positive Ageing. It is always a good idea to know the risks early so that you can take appropriate actions to maintain good health, that is why we recommend The Annual Health Test from York Test. York Test provides an Annual Health Test. An experienced phlebotomist will complete a full blood draw at your home or workplace. Hospital standard tests covering 39 different health markers are carried out in a UKAS-accredited and CQC-compliant laboratory. A Personal Wellness Hub gives access your easy-to-understand results and guidance to help you make effective lifestyle changes anytime via your secure, personal Wellness Hub account. Access York Test and use this discount code ABECEDER2. Being a Guest If you would like to be a guest on Fit For My Age, please contact Abeceder. We recommend that potential guests take one of the podcasting guest training programmes available from Work Place Learning Centre. If you have liked this episode of Fit For My Age, please give it a like and download it so that you can listen any time anywhere. To make sure you do not miss future editions please subscribe. Remember, the aim of all the podcasts produced by Abeceder is not to tell you what to think, but we do hope to make you think! Until the next time, thank you for listening.
From "Fit For My Age"
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