Twitter Spaces: Gold, Silver, and Energy with Vince Lanci, Tom Luongo, Keith Weiner, Bob Coleman & Jim Hunter
This is an edited recording of a live Twitter Spaces event from September 7, 2022. This first part features Vince Lanci and Tom Luongo discussing politics, energy, and the metals markets. Keith Weiner explains how gold could be successfully remonetized and his thesis regarding metals manipulation. In Part Two coming out soon we take listener questions and Bob Coleman goes in depth into silver and the metals manipulation. Vincent LanciTwitter: https://twitter.com/VlanciPicturesWebsite: https://vblgoldfix.substack.com/ Tom LuongoWebsite: https://tomluongo.meTwitter: https://twitter.com/TFL1728Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/GoldGoatsNGuns Keith WeinerTwitter: https://twitter.com/RealKeithWeinerWebsite: https://monetary-metals.comWebsite: https://goldstandardinstitute.netFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/keith.weiner.5 Bob ColemanTwitter: https://twitter.com/profitsplusidWebsite: https://www.goldsilvervault.com/ Jim Hunter Twitter: https://twitter.com/JimSuncomm1Website: https://allendale-inc.com
From "Palisades Gold Radio"
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