Palisades Twitter Spaces: Part 1 – Geopolitics & Europe, Fed Policy, Custodial Risk, Metals Physical Vs. Digital
In Part One of this Twitter Space, we are joined by Tom Luongo and Bob Coleman. Tom discusses the political situation in Ukraine and expresses concerns about the FTX crypto exchange debacle. It appears those in charge want it to just go away. Tom notes the financial system today is all largely built on Ponzi schemes. It's all a giant con-fidence game. Powell is trying to reduce dollar liquidity to soak up overseas dollar that are returning. Bob discusses the precious metals markets and gives some actionable advice for those looking to avoid overpaying for metals. In Part 2, due out soon, David Morgan, Jim Hunter, and O'hare join us to discuss the latest happenings in precious metals markets. Tom Luongo - Host of the Gold, Goats'N Guns PodcastWebsite: https://tomluongo.meYouTube: https://bit.ly/2cWrwJ8Twitter: https://twitter.com/TFL1728Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/GoldGoatsNGuns Bob Coleman - Idaho Armored VaultTwitter: https://twitter.com/profitsplusidWebsite: https://www.goldsilvervault.com/ David Morgan - Morgan ReportWebsite: https://silver-investor.com/Twitter: https://twitter.com/silverguru22 Jim Hunter - Registered Commodity Broker with AllendaleTwitter: https://twitter.com/JimSuncomm1Website: https://allendale-inc.com
From "Palisades Gold Radio"
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