013 Balance of Error with Paul Thagard
Dr Paul Thagard is a Canadian cognitive scientist and philosopher of mind. He is the author of many interdisciplinary books, including, most recently, "Balance: How it Works and What it Means." In this conversation, KMO and Paul discuss: 03:32 – Balance, Paul's book of two parts 04:47 – The inner ear and its role in balance 06:50 – Comparing balance and scales 08:40 – Using metaphors, Scott Adams, and Sam Harris 15:52 – Toxic metaphors and AI monitoring live conversations 20:00 – How prevalent misinformation is 22:52 – Opinions on vaccination 23:28 – The notion of consensus reality 25:40 – The no-longer binary (strong/weak) nature of AI 30:48 – The vacuously eloquent linguistic models 34:32 – Panpsychism and its relation to neuroscience 37:38 – Neural representation of meaning 41:08 – Whether larger brains means more intelligence 45:22 – Cats vs Boston Dynamics robots and the generality of human skill 47:26 - AI ethics 50:20 - Our future moral duties to suffering-capable AI entities Host and guest: KMO: en.padverb.com/kmo | @Kayemmo Dr Paul Thagard: paulthagard.com Links and references: Overpopulation on Mars - quoteinvestigator.com/2020/10/04/mars/ Eliezer Yudkowsky – en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eliezer_Yudkowsky
From "The Padverb Podcast with KMO"
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