Overcoming Perfectionism with Chew-Hong Koh
Being powerless and stuck for 25+ years in jobs that were soul-sucking and an unhappy marriage, ChewHoong created a soul-thriving, neuroscience-informed Accelerated Profit System (APS) after healing and training with 10+ top leaders in self-improvement and businesses. This unique system accelerates mission-driven coaches from procrastination* to empowering, productive and profitable businesses. Body Transformation System! https://modere.io/NbOyU2 Mindset Manifestation Mastermind in Playa Del Carmen, Mexico https://wellnessmarketingltd.com/mindset-manifestation-mastermind/ To learn more about Rebecca… https://www.rebeccaelizabethwhitman.com/#home https://everydaywomantv.com/tv_shows/the-balanced-beautiful-and-abundant-show/
From "The Balanced, Beautiful and Abundant Show- Rebecca Whitman"
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