Radical Self-Acceptance with Adult ADHD Part 1
We begin a two-part series on the subject of ADHD and self-acceptance. In fact, we bring it to another level on this podcast by calling it radical self-acceptance. Adults with ADHD can truly thrive in life and in business with the proper mindset. And this podcast episode hits adult ADHD head-on and hard to uncover why some of us cannot get out of our own way. Dave has a very frank and open discussion with ADHD coach Diann Wingert. Diann is a former psychotherapist turned ADHD coach for busy women and executives. While she does work with women; her advice will help anyone as you will see in this podcast. Diane talks about what thriving with adult ADHD really means. Dave and Diane discussed negative talk that inside comparison with ourselves and they touch on how to love and respect ourselves. They discuss at length how adults with ADHD are not broken and how we can reduce the stigma within ourselves about our adult ADHD. Diann defines radical self-acceptance and what that means for us as we try and thrive in life and business. This is a very upfront discussion about the truths and realities of thriving with adult ADHD. Diann prides herself on taking a no BS approach to living an enriched life with ADHD. But let's make it clear, we both know many struggle as adults and children when it comes to ADHD. We recognize that and we hope that a blunt discussion about how many people have thrived with ADHD can bring about greater awareness and help people accept themselves including their strengths and their weaknesses. This is part one of a two-part series with ADHD coach Diann Wingert. Find out more about Diann here: https://www.diannwingertcoaching.com/
From "Overcoming Distractions-Thriving with ADHD, ADD"
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