Navigating the Hidden Job Market with Mac Prichard
Request A Customized Workshop For Your Company: https://www.americannegotiationinstitute.com/services/workshops/ For employers: They invest highly in how to hire the best talent, online courses, and resources for employers. For employees: The minutiae of job search, strategic, and tactical advice. In this episode, you'll learn: What does the hidden job market really mean? The big "Why" it is a hidden market. The very first step in the job search process. We discuss: How to overcome the fear of asking what you want. Benefits of asking questions. Be strategic who you reach out to. Informational interview is another term for a business meeting. Unspoken mindsets. Follow Mac Prichard on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/macprichard/ Macs list LinkedIn page https://www.linkedin.com/company/macs-list/ Website: Mac's List https://www.macslist.org/ Podcast: Find Your Dream Job https://podcasts.apple.com/in/podcast/mac-prichard-find-your-dream-job/id1538223546?i=1000579303141 Follow Kwame Christian on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kwamechristian/ The Ultimate Negotiation Guide: https://www.americannegotiationinstitute.com/guides/ultimate-negotiation-guide/ Click here to buy your copy of How To Have Difficult Conversations About Race!: https://www.amazon.com/Have-Difficult-Conversations-About-Race/dp/1637741308/ref=pd_%5B%E2%80%A6%5Df0bc9774-7975-448b-bde1-094cab455adb&pd_rd_i=1637741308&psc=1 Click here to buy your copy of Finding Confidence in Conflict: How to Negotiate Anything and Live Your Best Life!: https://www.amazon.com/Finding-Confidence-Conflict-Negotiate-Anything/dp/0578413736/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2PSW69L6ABTK&keywords=finding+confidence+in+conflict&qid=1667317257&qu=eyJxc2MiOiIwLjQyIiwicXNhIjoiMC4xNCIsInFzcCI6IjAuMjMifQ%3D%3D&sprefix=finding+confidence+in+conflic%2Caps%2C69&sr=8-1
From "Negotiate Anything"
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