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Mac Prichard
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Mac Prichard
1 Follower
40 Interviews
Mac Prichard is the founder and publisher of Mac’s List, a job board and career hub for the Pacific Northwest with a mission to create more human hiring processes to improve the workforce for all. Mac’s List was founded in Portland, Oregon in 2001 and became a Certified B Corporation in 2017. Today Mac’s List serves job seekers and employers in Oregon and Washington with a top-tier job board as well as courses, books, and other resources that bring people together to find better jobs and happier careers. Mac is also the author of the book “Land Your Dream Job Anywhere” and host of the top 30 Apple Podcast career show Find Your Dream Job. To learn more, visit

Mac Prichard's Interviews

Jeff Altman & Mac Prichard 03 Apr 2024 • EN

If Job Boards Don't Work, What Am I Supposed to Do?

EP 2900 This week while I'm on vacation, I am showcasing people from a few interviews I've done. My guest is Mac Prichard, the host of "Find Your Dream Job" (who also operates a job board). We look at job boards and their effectiveness and what you can be doing instead of spending 90% of your time on them ABOUT JEFF AL

36 min
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In this episode of the Career Change Maker Podcast I am joined by Mac Prichard, a recruitment and career expert, podcaster, connector, communications strategist, and business owner. We discuss both how to look for work and how to hire smarter. There has been a shift in the way candidates view jobs, it’s less about mone

35 min
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The opposite of not getting a job offer is receiving multiple offers. How do you handle not knowing which offer to accept? And what if you make a decision you regret later? Find Your Dream Job guest Martin McGovern shares what to do if you find yourself in this position. Martin says your first step is to slow down. You

25 min
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Kwame Christian & Mac Prichard 15 Mar 2023 • EN

Navigating the Hidden Job Market with Mac Prichard

Request A Customized Workshop For Your Company: For employers: They invest highly in how to hire the best talent, online courses, and resources for employers.  For employees: The minutiae of job search, strategic, and tactical advice. In this episode, you

26 min
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It might seem polite not to negotiate salary, but you are affecting your entire future when you don’t. An extra $15K per year can make a huge difference in your retirement savings, says Find Your Dream Job guest Kimberly Brown. If you need help positioning yourself to get a higher salary, Kimberly suggests starting by

23 min
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Mac Prichard, of Mac’s List, is a third-time guest on the podcast! Mac and I have talked on previous episodes about informational interviews. Today, we do a deep dive on how to conduct an informational interview, including the three things you MUST do during this conversation. Mac shares the things he sees job seekers

43 min
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Podcasts with Mac Prichard


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